
This blog will be forever dedicated to Grondomania. May it live Grondly Forever! Grond! Harshal Modi, Grondmaster.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Why I Don't Blog...

When I started Grondomania many moons ago, we were in the mood to expand upon an idea that had struck us, and let the world know about it. I felt that it would be another inane idea floating around the web, where there are many inane ideas, well on their way to success.

Later, I saw many bloggers actively blogging, putting their personal thoughts in public view. That is something I cannot do, and I had not started Grondomania with that view. But...

I remember a dialogue between the protagonist & his doctor, in the Hindi movie, 'Bluffmaster', starring Abhishek Bachchan as the protagonist, Roy.

Roy has been diagnosed with a life threatening tumour, and has only 90 days to live. The dialogue has the doctor narrating an experience from his childhood, how he first learnt to cycle, with the help of his father. He then moves on to another anecdote, now in his daughter's life, when he taught her to cycle.

He says, There are only a few days that you remember, Roy. You've lived 30 years. How many do you remember? 10, 20, 30? You can remember only a month of your life, for you've lived only for that many days. Roy, you've got 90 days. Live. Make them worth remembering.

Ages ago, long before the internet & blogging caught the minds of people all over, I read the benefits of diary writing in an article in Reader's Digest. March 4: First tulip of spring, 4 petals, next to the mailpost was one entry I remember vividly, that would remind the writer that in that year, the first tulip had heralded the coming of spring on the 4th of march, and that it had sprouted next to the mailpost.

I am against memory aids that must be used to remember the most important things in my life. Blogs, diaries, such things are addictive, and I really don't want to utilise my precious time in making sure I'll remember today in my future. If its worth remembering, I won't require any aids for that. I'll remember.

One very important person in my life told me this...

At the end of the day, you won't be able to remember all the things you did on that day. Only those couple of events that made an impact.
At the end of the week, you won't remember all of the above. Only those that made a bigger impact.
At the end of the month, you won't remember all of the above. Only those that made a very large impact.
And so it goes... At the end of the year, the decade... At the end of you life, you won't remember any of the most important things you did in life, but only that one, where you made the largest impact on yourself. Make that one memory the happiest in your life.

Its not that I am not able to pen down my thoughts. Quite to the contrary, I do write a lot, I do pen my thoughts down. But to put them in a position that'll keep reminding me what I did ages ago... not my cuppa chai.

That's why I don't blog. Not to hide my thoughts from others, but from myself. I keep my thoughts hidden from myself, for I'll surprise myself with the best of them at the worst of times.



Blogger Pensive said...

Nice one gronde..pretty deep.

2:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a grond possibility..the grondest of us can grondly forget the grond happenings of gronday in the grontz and grondmour of grondmorrow..whhof..grondeva..

just to say that keep your thoughts hidden from yourself by not reading your posts..documenting them is not loosing the "surpise" might just forget something worth remembering..yeah i get the entire thing with "if its worth it i'll remember.."..but like i said..there still is a grond possibility!!

5:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I used to journal when i was a kid.
I still have those journals with me...

I must tell you it gives me a lot of strength to know where i come from, how i have been and what all i have been thru to reach where i am right now...

For someone who only selectively remembers things in life, maintainin a journal is of great help!

Also, journalling's purpose is not just bein a memory helps one put things in the right perspective...its like thinkin out aloud!

of blogging, i have mixed feelings!


4:49 AM  

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