GrondoMania - The Definition
GrondoMania is inspired by the “Lord Of The Rings” device, the gate breaking siege weapon, the ‘grond’, and dedicated to my dear friends, Jagdish and Salil, one of whom (I don’t know exactly who) invented grondomania by responding to every query and statement with the enigmatic reply, ‘Grond!’. The usual victims of our grondomanic adventures have been our friends Farhan and Vikram.
In some of our adventures, the ‘grond’ has been given sentient status and has become an orc by itself, not unlike the Uruk-Hai or the trolls. In other adventures, soon to come, it'll become among other things, an AI computer, a flower, a lake, a country, a bird, and many more.... Suggestions are welcome.
But what exactly is Grondomania? It is the harmless practice of using the word 'grond' as an adverb, adjective, noun, verb, or any other part of grammar and speech, so as to effectively 'grondify' ordinary speech.
Harshal Modi,
In some of our adventures, the ‘grond’ has been given sentient status and has become an orc by itself, not unlike the Uruk-Hai or the trolls. In other adventures, soon to come, it'll become among other things, an AI computer, a flower, a lake, a country, a bird, and many more.... Suggestions are welcome.
But what exactly is Grondomania? It is the harmless practice of using the word 'grond' as an adverb, adjective, noun, verb, or any other part of grammar and speech, so as to effectively 'grondify' ordinary speech.
Harshal Modi,
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